- 添加hosts文件
docker run --add-host="localA:"
- 显示所有images
docker images
- 打包镜像
docker build -t docker-whale .
command takes the Dockerfile in the current directory, and builds an image called docker-whale on your local machine.命令最后有一点
- 删除镜像
docker rmi
- 删除容器
docker rm
- docker run参数
- -t flag assigns a pseudo-tty or terminal inside the new container.
- -i flag allows you to make an interactive connection by grabbing the standard input (STDIN) of the container.
- -d flag runs the container in the background (to daemonize it).
- -P flag maps any required network ports inside the container to your host. This lets you view the web application.
- 给正在运行的容器添加端口映射
docker port jolly_sinoussi 5000
- 查看正在运行的容器
docker ps
- 查看所有容器
docker ps a
- 重启容器
docker restart
- 查看容器输出到stdin、stderr的日志
docker logs
- 查看容器的详细配置文件
docker inspect
- 将容器打包成镜像
docker commit containerid image_id
- 进入正在运行的容器
docker exec -ti <docker_name> /bin/bash
docker attach
- 导出镜像
docker save myimage:latest | gzip > myimage_latest.tar.gz
- 导入镜像
docker load -i myimage_latest.tar.gz
docker load < myimage_latest.tar.gz
- 清理镜像
docker system prune
docker system prune -a
- 导出本机上所有带tag的镜像
docker save $(docker images --format ':') -o allinone.tar
- 挂载本地文件夹
-v /src/webapp:/dst/webapp
- 重启策略
--restart always/unless-stopped/no/on-failure
- 参考
- Docker官方文档